- Rudolf Steiner
I admit, I didn't know who Rudolf Steiner was.. And no, I did not come across this quote by chance.. I actually hunted for this.. Why you ask? Because I had to pen down my gratitude to someone for reviving my love for reading newspapers again...
It's been a long time since I stopped my habit of reading the newspaper (in the morning or anytime during the day or even the week)... And it didn't have to do completely with just the fact that I was staying away from home and that we didn't buy papers where ever I stayed... It was more than that.. I was disinterested in knowing the biased opinions of "leading" newspapers.. And it started to seem that all news were "sensational".. frankly, it was sometimes simply hard to digest.. waking up everyday to read about theft, rape, murder, large-scale accusations, natural calamities killing hundreds, corruption in lakhs (and evidently lakhs of crores too - which did make me wonder about the number system and how many zeroes that actually meant and the nagging doubt that if a person could actually swindle lakhs of crores, how come we still have a National debt? I mean, where does all this money come from? Or go, for that matter!). In short, the day had already started with a messed up mind.. And you start looking at the world as the cruel monster.. trying to kill you.. that it might pounce on you any moment... The constant fear that you will end up as the butt of these very things.. or worse, you would be one of them...
But, off late, I have regained my urge to wake up every morning and "know" the news.. No, I am not trying to increase my general knowledge for the IAS or some other exam/ quiz.. I really do "want" to read the news..
And all that changed thanks to Bangalore Mirror (BM)
I know what you are thinking... (especially if you have read BM).. You want to know whether I am actually serious.. or whether reading too much BM has affected my brain thus impairing my judgment.. Yes and No.. Yes I am serious.. And No, this is no ill effect...
Let me explain why... Ever since I started reading BM, I have realized this subtle difference that it has over other newspapers (some "leading" ones included).. this subtle superiority, if I might go so far as to say... And it is because of this... Every morning I wake up to headlines like ‘For God’s sake, I’m not Upendra. this is not his number’, No single malt, no parking, Upendra, Puneeth owe traffic dept Rs 400 & Rs 200, Elderly man reunites with kin, thanks to kindness of strangers etc. etc. etc. It doesn't matter what the headlines is... it always seems trivial...
And I think to myself, is that the worst that has happened? And suddenly, the world seems much safer... you don't worry as much and the day begins on a good note (most of the times humorous).. you are more relaxed and you can take in the rest of the news more calmly... and that's what sets BM apart.. that it manages to deliver the news.. but in a less alarming way... like the watchman in 3 Idiot who keeps shouting "All izz well".. and yes, all does seem well...
And just for that (and since no one else will do it) I hereby present the best newspaper award to Bangalore Mirror (claps and whistles please!!!)
And BM - Thank you for making me read the news again...